‘Oh, my God’: Video shows 6-year-old girl dragged by school bus over 1,000 feet

A bus driver with kid stuck in bus door.

A disturbing video that circulated online this week shows a 6-year-old child dragged by a school bus in 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky.

The video was released as a civil trial against the driver and Jefferson County Public Schools began in Jefferson County Court. The video, obtained by WAVE, was taken from inside the bus.

The video shows the driver, Melinda Sanders, isn't looking toward the door and did not ensure the child continued safely off the bus. As the child leaves the bus, the child's backpack gets stuck in the closing double doors. Another student stands in the aisle near the driver as the incident transpires.


WAVE reports that the child's lawyers say she was dragged for 1,147 feet before a car honks at the bus driver to stop.

Upon her realization, the driver stops the bus and says, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God."

The child, who was then a student at Wilkerson Traditional Elementary School in Louisville, reportedly suffered "nerve damage and PTSD" and has had "multiple surgeries." 

After an investigation concluding that she did not view the child exiting the bus as required by training, Jefferson County Public Schools dismissed Sanders.

WAVE reports that "the lawsuit is asking for an undisclosed amount in damages."

The post ‘Oh, my God’: Video shows 6-year-old girl dragged by school bus over 1,000 feet appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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